Thông tin liên hệ
- (028) 38.165.363
- 0912.124.679
- 0912.124.679
- zalo: 0912.124.679
Trung tâm điều khiển từ xa LYON 1 loop COFEM LYONRM01
Thông tin sản phẩm
Control panel configurable and expandable up to 8 loops (199 points per loop).
Expandable up to 20 loops with an additional cabinet.
All the points are supervised by the control panel, except the loop isolator KABY.
Capacity for 199 configurable relays per control panel.
Can hold up to 99 zones per panel.
Registry with capacity of 4095 events with date and time.
Delay of supervised sounder output programmable between 0 to 10 minutes, identified as S1.
Alarm output as free voltage relay not supervised, identified as S2.
Failure output, delayed and supervised, identified as S3.
Allowed to connect addressable sounders in the loop.
Evacuation push-button.
Backlit LCD display with 4 lines and 40 characters.
Incorporates multiple languages by default (Spanish, English, French, Portuguese, etc).
Configurable with the PC-EASY CoNET software.
Connectable to external keyboard (standard PC-PS2).
Access to the control panel keyboard introducing a numeric code.
Allows connection of up to 15 repeaters and/or 15 control panels in network.
MODBUS (on specific request).
Contact ID (on specific request).
Cofem Remote.
Size: 424 x 330 x 140 mm.
Certified according to EN 54-2 and EN 54-4 and CE mark according to the European Regulation of Construction Products (UE)
1. TẦM NHÌN: Tầm nhìn của là trở thành website và công ty hàng đầu trong lĩnh vực cung cấp và tư vấn các giải pháp, thiết bị thuộc các lĩnh vực An Ninh An Toàn, Khoa Học Kỹ Thuật & Công Nghiệp: Thiết bị an toàn bảo hộ lao động – Thiết bị an toàn phòng chống cháy nổ và...
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